Chris Fowles’ Latest Spot for Scottish Gov Utilizes Virtual Production and Emotive Performance To Outline Just How Easily Tragedy Can Occur On the Road

Chris Fowles kept it simple and effective, using a single evolving shot paired with state of the art virtual production for the Scottish Government’s new speeding campaign. 

Chris had this to say about the project: “It was a real mix of technical challenges and raw emotion. At its core, it’s all about the actor’s performance — that moment right before the crash where everything just freezes. 

As a director, those are the moments you look for, where the emotion carries the whole scene.

We shot this using virtual production, which was tricky with the tight budget we had. Especially with speed changes and motion control. There were plenty of times where the whole team worked through the night together to figure things out. 

But what made this film special to me was the purpose behind it. It’s a cause I genuinely care about, which made the hard work worth it. 

Speeding, especially in the leadup to Christmas, is something that affects so many lives, and getting the chance to create something that could make a difference was incredible.”


Agency: Leith

Creatives: Chris Watson & Rufus Wedderburn

Agency Producer: Kat Jordan

Production Company: Leith Studios:

Producer: Jen Howells

Director: Chris Fowles

Director’s Agent: Davide Cantelmo at The Visionaries UK

DoP: Henry Gill

DoP Agent: Wizzo

Gaffer: Ian Stevens

Casting Director: Claire Catterson

Post-Production: Cheat

Colourist: Jonny Tully

Sound Design: Finiflex Sound Studios

Editor: Dan Austin