With the World Cup going on right now, football is on everyone’s minds – including ours. So, it’s only fitting to see our very own Gundeep Anand be featured in Adidas London's latest World Cup campaign, which revolves around the usage of creativity to answer challenges in people’s cities.
The Last Stand, London’s largest street football tournament created by Gundeep himself, was featured in a series of clips in which Gundeep directed. In Gundeep’s own words, The Last Stand aims to use “sport to unite people and break down barriers,” an ideal message for the campaign.
Gundeep has chosen to focus the films on four different players, allowing them to share their story in a concise, punchy, and bold way. Using his unique style that “blends… intimacy, humanity, and humour” to showcase just how football has changed these people’s lives, Gundeep proves that he has and will continue to create exceptional work.