hana zebzabi

Hana Zebzabi, a self-taught British/Moroccan photographer, is acclaimed for her emotive imagery, skillfully using color, light, and composition. Her portfolio spans iconic cities like London, Los Angeles, and New York, seamlessly blending fashion and commercial photography.

Collaborating with publications like Hypebae and working with musicians such as Olivia Dean and J-Grrey, Hana's mark extends to diverse projects. Versatile in brand campaigns with companies like Juicy Couture and Urban Outfitters, she stands out not only for her artistic vision but also for her unique journey, leveraging her community to sell artwork and create safe spaces for young women.

Beyond the lens, Hana Zebzabi is on a mission to make a positive impact. Her photography serves as a powerful tool for social change, advocating for uniqueness and individual narratives, particularly for women. Through innovative storytelling, she aims to create a lasting impact across various mediums.