Andre Maat


Andre creates visual comedy that lives in a playful and imaginative universe. With tongue-in-cheek humor he guides his actors through the wonderful worlds he builds around them. His stories live off the mainstream, featuring a set of charming characters and surprising twists

Andre likes to solve creative puzzles and he prepares every project with dedication and precision. When he arrives on set he is always 100% prepared which allows him to be open-minded and flexible during the shoot.

Andre studied advertising at the Art Academy in Berlin and started his career shooting music videos and stop-motion animations. Over the years he developed a fine sense for smart camera work and skilfully crafted production design.

When he is not shooting commercials he spends his time on his surfboard in the small Dutch waves, or creating crazy absurd short films that have earned him several Vimeo Staff Picks.

Viking Lotto - Fly

A Tribute to the Everyday Hero

Delta Fibre

Denim Solar - Boring Straw

Minijob - Wedding

Erste Bank - Doomsday